PATH to College Success (2010-2013)
The PATH program was a three-year grant project in collaboration with College Spark Washington and the Edmonds School District. Its purpose was to determine what students need to have in place to excel, academically. We followed a group of fifty (75% low income) students leaving 6th grade, entering Alderwood Middle School, and continuing through ninth grade at Lynnwood High School. We took students through two challenging transitions and three years of school. August summer camps prior to entering the next level kicked each transition year off.
Tow major aspects of study were holding the students accountable to the expectations of the system and motivating them to become independent learners.
PATH students were held to very high standards of earning A and B Grades and passing the State test. PATH showed that every student can excel when held accountable by parents and staff, with support available when needed. The goal was for them to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, no D or F grades, pass the "College Knowledge" test, and be involved in at least two school or community activities. Monthly parent/student meetings were held to develop a team effort and support an academic culture among the students.
We teamed with parents, monitored and documented grades and worked with students to be a self-advocate. We sent congratulatory notes and emails. Earning D or an F resulted in a letter, a To Do list, or a phone call home to discuss roadblocks and how to address them. We met one day afterschool a week for academic support.
At the end of 9th grade, 49 students were in the program for two students for two students had moved out of state. Sixteen students earned all A's. Three more earned all A's plus one other grade. 61% (176/290) of all grades were A, 29% (82/290) grades w B, 9% (26/290) were C, and 1% (3 of 290 grades) were D. there were no F's. We felt confident and successful with the PATH students.
Ending the grand, at the end of 9th grade, we continued to monitor students though high school graduation.
2013 “PATH to College Success” 9th Grade 2nd Semester Student Grades
(48 students for a total of 290 grades)
- 16 earned all A’s
- 3 more earned all A’s plus one other grade
- 61% (176/290) grades were A
- 29% (82/290) grades were B
- 9% (26/290) grades were C
- 1% (3/290) grades were D
- 0% (0/290) grades were F