How Do We Measure Up!
Please help us be the vehicle for academic success Change!

2022-2023 OSPI Washington State Report Card
Each year, students take the Smarter Balanced Assessment (annual state test). Anyone may access the “Report Card” results for any school, any district in the state, with a selection of testing years to choose from. Test passage scores are given in percentiles, telling the reader the percent of students passing each section of the SBA.
Parents may view their child’s test – call 360.725.6348 or visit your schools office.
Passing the annual state assessment at 10th grade is one option to certify for high school graduation. Academic Link Outreach focuses on 8th grade achievement for we want all children to enter 9th grade “high school ready.” The OSPI Report Card also provides the demographics of the school, district, and state. Please click on the button below to learn more.

The Everett Herald 05/14/2017
Mukilteo Beacon 05/27/2015
The Herald 2013
Snohomish Journal 01/27/2010